Over 50,000 Titles for Sale!
We have over 50,000 titles available to purchase, and understandably we are not able create a checkout button for each and every one of them. The simplest alternative is to let you pick and choose which titles you are interested in, and we will then send you a Paypal request for the amount.
The lists are plain text and found at this address, which you might want to bookmark in your browser:
Titles are listed by genre and author names, surnames first.
All titles listed are $3 each if you order more than one ($3.50 for single title download orders). Using the Contact form, send us a list of titles you want (please include author names with the titles!), and we will send you a Paypal money request for $3 times however many titles you're interested in, plus shipping if applicable (see below). Simple.
There is no minimum or additional charge for download orders, and your books will be made available via WeTransfer or Google Drive.
For mail orders, you must order a minimum of 10 titles, and specify if you would like them sent on DVD or USB. There's an additional shipping charge of $6 for DVD orders, and $8 for USB orders. (For US buyers, the shipping fee is waived if you order 25 or more titles.)
INTERNATIONAL BUYERS: If you live outside the United States, only the DVD option is available for mail orders, without tracking. If your order requires more than one DVD, it will be an additional $3 for each DVD required, and individual discs will be mailed separately to avoid any Customs requirements. The shipping fee will be waived if you order a minimum of 25 titles for one disc only: meaning that you won't be charged for shipping if you order 25 or more titles and the order requires only one DVD. However, if your order requires more than one DVD, you will be charged $3 per each additional disc required.
Please do not request additional collections at a discount. The collections here are generally a huge time investment and we are not able to just "whip 'em up" upon request, and we consider the $3 per title a more than fair price.
Finally, it will hopefully be obvious that many older titles will vary in sound quality. Although we always do our best to update these recordings with the latest, best sounding versions we can get hold of, sometimes there's only so much we can do. We're usually pretty good, though, about letting customers know before purchasing if some of the recordings might be a little rough, and making sure they are still interested in those cases, and we try to never sell anything we wouldn't be willing to listen to ourselves. But if you're wondering about certain recordings, please do ask.